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assignment submission: 28 / 10 / 2014

The ha-ha wall is a landscaping device of the eighteenth century, playing with sweeping views while at the same time preventing livestock. The Mausoleum at Seaton Delaval is walled by a circular 2m deep ha- ha wall that spans 6m from the edge. The project required an adaptation of a low-tech movable bridge which will allow public access to the mausoleum during the day and will be closed during the night and non working hours. All the materials have to be physically carried and assembled on site, therefore lightness and portability of all components is essential. 

I focused my research on two main precedents. The first one was the classical Mid-age Drawbridge. I’ve specifically chosen this existing structure to study, due to the low technology that is using. The second structure studied was the Millennium Bridge,even though this bridge is using

a High - Tech system, the design is such that perfectly allows the structure to blend into the landscape.

I have looked into the DNA shape to influence my design. The DNA symbolizes the connection between Life & Death. The new bridge to the area will allow public access to the mausoleum connecting it with life. 

As far as construction materials is concerned I decided to use Bamboo since is a light material with strength equal to steel but at the same time easy to form. As you may see in my sketch book I have also done a quick research about the different ways that bamboo can be joined. 

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